STRATEGIC FUND RAISING DECISION MAKING SENATE FUND RAISING PLAN writing Our advisory services can write a "SENATE FUND RAISING PLAN" to guide you in the fund raising for you SENATE ELECTION CAMPAIGN. We can provide you with innovative information that other candidates don't have and likely never will have. We help you make strategic decisions about fund raising and "image building" during the election. |
SENATE FUND RAISING PLAN We can expertly write a "SENATE FUND RAISING PLAN" to guide you in your SENATE ELECTION CAMPAIGN. We will explain the usual ways SENATE CANDIDATES normally use to do fund raising. And, we will reveal "super-secret" fund raising techniques that only the experts know about. We can help you win your SENATE ELECTION. STRATEGIC GUIDANCE IN FUND RAISING The innovative information in our "SENATE FUND RAISING PLAN" can be used can guide you in your fund raising and can lead to you successfully funding your SENATE ELECTION CAMPAIGN. INFLUENCE In any election the candidate needs to do extensive influence. First, influence the other election candidates in your party. Cause the membership of the party to know who you are, know that you are open to the party membership, and to cause the party membership to like you and be willing to volunteer or endorse your campaign. In many ways, with many communications, you [the candidate] need to influence the public and cause them to want to vote for you. Most public office seekers have an "issues platform" that is their views on issues, government conditions, elected official perceptions and beliefs. Candidates cause the public to like them and to support them, because the candidate, said what the public wanted to hear. The candidate often "targets" the public (voters) by saying specific things, over and over, again, until it is something the public wants to hear. The candidate can do this with newspaper articles (with photos)....with news on television, where the press agent of the candidate gives to the TV NEWS DIRECTOR, "NEWS RELEASES" about the candidate (with still photos of the csndidate). The press agent can also provide video recordings of the candidate for use in television news. Special interviews with the "EXECUTIVES" of the tv station and the candidate. We can write "scripts" for these video recorded interviews, if required. TELEVISION FUND RAISING We can skillfully plan your television fund raising. We can write the "script" for these tv productions. We can select any CAST. Select a competent DIRECTOR. Plan the production. Arrange tv cameras and use of tv studios. We can make sure the production is perfect. We can oversee the production, oversee the video, and oversee the video editing. We can schedule the airring of your TV VIDEO, whether it is a NEWS REPORT, a TV COMMERCIAL, a TV INFOMERCIAL, or other TV fund raising video. We can schedule the candidate with interviews with the EXECUTIVES of a TV STATION. And, write the "script" if required. FUND RAISING ADVISOR: BEN CAMPBELL PHONE: 323-573-2501 EMAIL: |
FUND RAISING SECRETS When writing you "SENATE FUND RAISING PLAN" we will disclose "FUND RAISING SECRETS" that opponent candidates may have never heard of. BILLIONAIRE DONORS We will provide the candidate with information about every BILLIONAIRE in their ELECTION DISTRICT. This information will include: BILLIONAIRES NAMES, office addresses, office telephone number, office fax number, and information about the "size" of donations they have made in the past. If, the candidate wants the NAMES, addresses, and telephone numbers of hundreds of BILLIONAIRE DONORS known to donate to the candidate political party, then, we will provide such strategic information. DIRECT MAIL FUND RAISING SECRETS We are knowledgeable of DIRECT MAIL SECRETS, whether we do a million piece mailing or a 5 million piece mailing. We can plan a strategic direct mail fund raising process for you. We can write the copy for the mailing package. We can design the graphics of the fund raising package. We can cause maximizing effects from your fund raising. And, influence voters in ways that cause you to win your election. We sometimes use mailing services known for doing every aspect of direct mail. Direct mail services known for mailing 3,000,000 pieces of mail every day. Computerized mailings with computer letters. FUND RAISING ADVISORY We can provide you with expertise fund raising counsel. We can help you plan fund raising strategy that opponents don't know about and won't apply. We can make your SENATE ELECTION CAMPAIGN successful. Our advisory services are confidential and secret. FUND RAISING ADVISOR: BEN CAMPBELL PHONE: 323-573-2501 |